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MAOP Brown Bag Lunch

I've been invited to speak at the Mid-Atlantic Oracle Professionals user group's Brown Bag Lunch series. The presentation, You Can't do THAT with a Browser - Part II - is a continuation of addressing how to incorporate 3rd party tools and other non-traditional technologies with APEX. The original presentation can be downloaded from here.

The presentation is set for 28-FEB-2008 at noon at the offices of BBN Technologies in Arlington, Virginia - just a stone's throw from where I lived for the better part of 6 years or so. There is no charge, but you will need to register, and space is limited.

I hope to see some of you who live in the DC area there!


James Morgan said…
I was wondering how much money you make from your adsense ads on your blog? Approx how much every month?
I would be eternally greatful.