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One More Present to un-Rap...

OK, bad pun, but it's almost midnight here, and I'm tired...

Project Raptor made its OTN debut tonight, and a preview release is available for download.

I, for one, am definitely excited about this, mostly becuase the price is right: FREE!


Anonymous said…
I'm not keen on the license for the preview release, which pretty much prohibits me from doing anything useful with the product until it hits production. Guess I'll stick to SQL*Plus for now.
Scott said…

Sure, there are some restrictions in there, but I would never recommend using any pre-release application for large-scale production work anyways.

In time, this will correct itself once the production release hits the streets.


- Scott -
Anonymous said…
I'm not suggesting large-scale production work, I just want to do something more than "developing a single prototype of your application", such as using it to aid in the development of an existing small-scale app.

I can appreciate the advice on not using beta code in production, but enforcing that restriction so tightly in the license is a little harsh.
Scott said…

I know what you mean, and can't speak for Oracle, but I suspect if they didn't include this, someone, somewhere would trash a production system and try to sue Oracle based on a faulty pre-release product.

While I'm not a lawyer, I suspect you clicking the "I Accept" button makes it hard for Oracle to be liable in such an event.

To be safe, I guess we'll all have to wait for the Production release.


- Scott -