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Logging APEX Report Downloads

A customer recently asked how APEX could track who clicked “download” from an Interactive Grid.  After some quick searching of the logs, I realized that APEX simply does not record this type of activity, aside from a simple page view type of “AJAX” entry.  This was not specific enough, and of course, led to the next question - can we prevent users from downloading data from a grid entirely?

I knew that any Javascript-based solution would fall short of their security requirements, since it is trivial to reconstruct the URL pattern required to initiate a download, even if the Javascript had removed the option from the menu.  Thus, I had to consider a PL/SQL-based approach - one that could not be bypassed by a malicious end user.

To solve this problem, I turned to APEX’s Initialization PL/SQL Code parameter.  Any PL/SQL code entered in this region will be executed before any other APEX-related process.  Thus, it is literally the first place that a developer can interact with an APEX page - be it a full page view or Ajax-based process.

Both IRs and Classic Reports leave enough data in the REQUEST parameter of the URL in the logs to decode which report was downloaded and what format was selected.  However, if you don’t know what the specific URL patterns look like, or don’t have the Request column selected, you’d never know it.  For my solution, I chose to incorporate all three types of reports - Classic, IG and IR - which also centralized it into a single place.

The solution is relatively simple, and requires two components: a table to track the downloads and a procedure to populate the table.  It should also work with both Oracle 11g & 12c.  I have tested it on APEX 5.1.4.  The IG portion will not work on APEX 5.0, since there is no IG component in that release.

First, create the table to store the logs:

CREATE TABLE dl_audit_log 
 app_user      VARCHAR2(255), 
 app_id        NUMBER, 
 app_page_id   NUMBER, 
 request       VARCHAR2(255),
 downloaded_on DATE, 
 report_id     NUMBER, 
 report_name   VARCHAR2(255), 
 report_type   VARCHAR2(255),
 report_format VARCHAR2(255)

Next, create the procedure that will capture any download.

 p_request     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT v('REQUEST'),
 p_app_user    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT v('APP_USER'),
 p_app_page_id IN NUMBER   DEFAULT v('APP_PAGE_ID'),
 p_app_id      IN NUMBER   DEFAULT v('APP_ID'),
 p_app_session IN NUMBER   DEFAULT v('APP_SESSION')
 l_count NUMBER;
 l_id             NUMBER;
 l_report_name    VARCHAR2(255);
 l_report_format  VARCHAR2(255);
 l_json           VARCHAR2(10000);
-- Capture Classic Report
-- Region ID will be embedded in the request

-- Uncomment the two lines below to prevent the downloaded
--htp.prn('Download Prohibited');
--apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;

-- Get the ID
 SELECT SUBSTR(p_request, 20, INSTR(p_request,'_',20)-20) INTO l_id FROM dual;
 SELECT region_name INTO l_report_name FROM apex_application_page_regions WHERE region_id = l_id;

-- Log the download
 INSERT INTO dl_audit_log (app_user, app_id, app_page_id, request, downloaded_on, report_id, report_name, report_type, report_format
   VALUES (p_app_user, p_app_id, p_app_page_id, p_request, SYSDATE, l_id, l_report_name, 'CLASSIC', 'CSV');
-- Capture IR download
-- Region ID embedded in request only when there is more than 1 IR on the page
WHEN p_request LIKE '%CSV' OR p_request LIKE '%HTMLD' OR p_request LIKE '%PDF' THEN

-- Uncomment the two lines below to prevent the downloaded
--htp.prn('Download Prohibited');
--apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;

-- Determine how many IRs are on the page
 SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM apex_application_page_ir where page_id = p_app_page_id AND application_id = p_app_id;

-- If there is 1, then get the ID from the view
 IF l_count = 1 THEN
   SELECT interactive_report_id, region_name INTO l_id, l_report_name
     FROM apex_application_page_ir where page_id = p_app_page_id AND application_id = p_app_id; ELSE

   -- Otherwise, get the ID from the REQUEST
   SELECT SUBSTR(p_request,5, INSTR(p_request,']')-5) INTO l_id FROM dual;
   SELECT region_name INTO l_report_name FROM apex_application_page_ir where region_id = TRIM(l_id);


-- Log the download
 INSERT INTO dl_audit_log (app_user, app_id, app_page_id, request, downloaded_on, report_id, report_name, report_type, report_format
   VALUES (p_app_user, p_app_id, p_app_page_id, p_request, SYSDATE, l_id, l_report_name, 'IR'

-- Capture IG download
WHEN LOWER(owa_util.get_cgi_env('QUERY_STRING')) LIKE 'p_flow_id=' || p_app_id || '&p_flow_step_id=
 || p_app_page_id || '&p_instance=' || p_app_session || '%&p_json%download%' THEN

-- Uncomment the two lines below to prevent the downloaded
 --htp.prn('Download Prohibited');
 --apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;

-- Extract the JSON
 SELECT utl_url.unescape(substr(owa_util.get_cgi_env('QUERY_STRING'),
   INSTR(owa_util.get_cgi_env('QUERY_STRING'), 'p_json=') + 7)) INTO l_json FROM dual;

-- Get the report ID
 l_id := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path => 'regions[%d].id', p0 => 1);
 l_report_format := apex_json.get_varchar2(p_path => 'regions[%d].download.format', p0 => 1);

 -- Lookup the name
 SELECT region_name INTO l_report_name FROM apex_application_page_regions where region_id = l_id;

-- Log the download
 INSERT INTO dl_audit_log (app_user, app_id, app_page_id, request, downloaded_on, report_id, report_name, report_type, report_format
   VALUES (p_app_user, p_app_id, p_app_page_id, p_request, SYSDATE, l_id, l_report_name, 'GRID', l_report_format);

-- No auditing needed, as the user did not download a report



Lastly, add a reference to the procedure to the Initialization PL/SQL Code.  This can be found under your Shared Components > Security.

Once these three steps are completed, then any download of any report will be logged automatically.  There’s no need to adjust any specific report or add any parameters - it will just work as reports are downloaded.

Also, uncommenting the referenced lines in each section will also prevent that kind of report from being downloaded entirely.  The message could be changed as needed or even re-directed to an error page instead.


Sasha Gomanuke said…
Appreciate for Your article! Perfect!