In migrating SERT from 4.2 to 5.0, there's a number of challenges that I'm facing. This has to do with the fact that I am also migrating a custom theme to the Universal Theme, as almost 100% of the application just worked if I chose to leave it alone. I didn't. More on that journey in a longer post later.
In any case, some of the IR filters that I have on by default can get a bit... ugly. Even in the Universal Theme:
In APEX 4.2, you could click on the little arrow, and it would collapse the region entirely, leaving only a small trace that there's a filter. That's no longer the case:
So what to do... Enter CSS & the Universal Theme.
Simply edit the page and add the following to the Inline CSS region (or add the CSS to the Theme Roller if you want this change to impact all IRs):
.a-IRR-reportSummary-item { display: none; }
This will cause most of the region to simply not display at all - until you click on the small triangle icon, which will expand the entire set of filters for the IR. Clicking it again makes it go away. Problem solved with literally three words (and some punctuation).