I saw a Twittersation - or however you say Twitter + Conversation - between Martin D'Souza & Dan Mcghan about a potential new hashtag for Oracle APEX. This, in my opinion, has been a long time coming, since #apex will bring back anything from Oracle APEX to the upcoming APEX show in Las Vegas to Apex, NC to even a tattoo shop.
Martin suggested #orapex, which could likely get spelled #oraapex or #orapex, and thus added to the confusion. Dan then chimed in with #oralcle_apex, which I thought was a spot long and replied with #orclapex.
I guess I won, because in the time it took to get my kids to bed, there was a blog post as well as other Tweetsin in multiple language, thus further justifying its logic! And if it's on the Internet in not just one, but TWO places, then is HAS to be true!
Thus, while the iron is hot, might I be so bold to propose a new hashtag for Oracle Aces: #orclace. The current one - #aced - pulls back more high school kids proclaiming victory over a challenging history test than it does Oracle-related content.
Thus, with these two new, sleek, streamlined hashtags, it would be possible to tag an APEX tweet with both #orclapex and #orclace and actually have over 120 characters left for actual content.
I will be watching you now VERY closely to ensure hashtag compliance.
- Scott -