I just ran into a situation where I needed to pass back a value from a pop-up page to a tabular form item in the calling page. While I've done this in the past ny manually writing all of the JavaScript, I thought that I'd take a look at the new documented APEX JavaScript APIs. I came across this function in the APEX 3.2 API Reference Guide (Part #E13369-01): $v_PopupReturn(pValue, pThat) Sets the value of the item in the parent window (pThat), with (pValue) and then closes the popup window. Return Value Not applicable. Parameters pValue (string) pThat (DOM node | string ID) Looks perfect! In addition to passing the value back, it will also close the pop-up page, even though that is not documented. On the pop-up page, I created a link with an Optional Redirect to URL, and put the following in the link: javascript:$v_PopupReturn(#EMPNO#, '&P3_NODE.') P3_NODE is the DOM ID of the tabular form item that I wanted to return the value to. You'll need to...
Mostly Oracle APEX. Mostly.