I just ran the following script: -- TABLES FOR x IN (SELECT table_name FROM user_tables) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE('DROP TABLE ' || x.table_name || ' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'); END LOOP; -- SEQUENCES FOR x IN (SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP SEQUENCE ' || x.sequence_name); END LOOP; -- VIEWS FOR x IN (SELECT view_name FROM user_views) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('DROP VIEW ' || x.view_name); END LOOP; Basically, drop all tables, views and sequences. It worked great, cleaning out those objects in my schema without touching any packages, producers or functions. The was just one problem: I ran it in the wrong schema. Maybe I didn't have enough coffee, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I essentially wiped out a schema that I really would rather not have. But I didn't even flinch, and here's why. All tables & views were safely stored in my data model. All sequence...
Mostly Oracle APEX. Mostly.