Yesterday, I was part of the KScope 14 APEX Abstract Review call. This call is used to discuss the rankings that the Abstract Review Committee has previously given each session. Naturally, we use APEX to help with this process - specifically WebSheets. The call allows us to ensure that the selections are as fair as possible. We make sure that no single presenter has too many slots, ensure that there are enough first-timers vs. veteran presenters and keep the topics of the accepted abstracts balanced. This process has been extremely useful in the past, and really makes for a much better conference. In reviewing the abstracts, I could not help but keep mentally creating a do's and don't list when it comes time to submit an abstract. While most of them were fairly decent, there were a few that were sub-par in relation to the others, and there were a couple that stood out. Based on this, I've come up with an ad-hoc list of things to consider when submitting an abstrac...
Mostly Oracle APEX. Mostly.