If you missed out on this year's KScope conference, you missed out on a tremendous amount of APEX content. You missed the APEX 4.2 preview and discussions from Oracle. You missed great sessions on the APEX Listener, jQuery, Dynamic Actions, etc. You missed the opportunity to actually meet some of the best APEX experts on the planet. Fear not! APEXposed has you covered! APEXposed is a 2-day conference focused exclusively on APEX technical sessions. A subset of the presenters from KScope will be presenting their sessions again in Montreal, Quebec this September 11th & 12th at the Centre Mont Royal. And the best part? You can attend this 2-day conference for as little as $350! That's less than $30 per session! If you register by August 15th and use the discount code ENKITEC, you'll get the $350 price. If you wait too long, the standard conference rate of $450 will apply, but the discount code will still be good. Hope to see you in Montreal!
Mostly Oracle APEX. Mostly.