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Showing posts from November, 2009

Black Holes: Courtesy of APEX

Well, not really.  But I just stumbled across a job posting from CERN that has Oracle APEX listed as one of its requirements. If you're in the market for a job, and don't mind flirting with the end of existence as we know it, you may want to check it out. :)

Logger: A new PL/SQL Logging & Debugging Tool

I just found out from a client that Tyler Muth, ex-APEX developer and current Oracle SC, has just released a new utility aptly called " Logger ".  Logger, well, does what you think it would: logs stuff. What strikes me as innovative about Logger is not what's there, but what's not there: complexity.  It's just plain easy to use.  Easier than creating table t (col1 varchar2(4000)) and throwing insert statements all around your code. You simply call it like this:   logger.log('something to log');  That's all you need to get it to work. Sure, there are a number of great features as you peel back the covers, such as a configurable auto-deletion of logs parameter, timings, and of course, my favorite:  APEX item name & value logging. You can download Logger here:   All you need is a free OTN account.